Sunday, January 3, 2010

"sorry sorry sorry.....",(the korean song) haha this is the opening for yesterday arrow service!
a great performance by ...who...? anw it was great. haha
yesterday service was awesome, the first service of 2010!
the rhema word from GOD (rhema in greek means the now word) is REST AND REIGN!
ya it is the NOW message. 2010 will be a restful increase for you! (say AMEN!)
but hold on, rest does not mean we just sit there and rest. I mean GOD do want us to have physical rest, but the rest in this context mean spirit directed work. yup =D great news to all isn't it=D
GOD wants to be involve in every little things we do and with GOD in it, all the work we did is upon rest, the true rest which we are seeking, the true rest which we need. we may face difficulties in our everyday life(eg, school works, financial problem, you name it.) but when we put GOD in it, HIS peace, HIS rest just make ALL our problems smaller, like a ice melting off. As the peace and rest continue, you just find that everything you do prosper, everything you touch is bless, your life start to reign and increase bringing glory to GOD ALMIGHTY. if you are reading this, get ready for GOD Blessing will HUNT you down and the only thing you can do is RECEIVED IT. yup, JESUS LOVES YOU.

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