Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey, HOLY SPIRIT have led me to talk about THANKS giving again.
Give THANKS to the LORD, in everything YOU do.
As a christian, we give THANKS before we eat.
This remind us of what JESUS have done, and that the food we eat shall be blessed.
Therefore even the food we eat is unhealthy, we still have the peace that we are blessed as we have put our faith in HIS finish work, we have REST in HIS finish work!
As pastor have said, 2010 will be a year of REST and REIGN, so let our THANKS go forth.
In everything we do, give THANKS!
Let me give you a few examples on what i mean.
-Before we bath, THANK GOD for all the shampoo, shower cream, soap, anything you use to bath with. THANK GOD that for HIS finish work, all this will be a blessing to our body, to our skin, to our hair, etc.
-Before we do our homework, THANK GOD for all the pens, reference books, textbooks or notes. THANK GOD that all these are HIS wisdom that help us in our school works.
Apply it on your own life. YOU can start with a few basic things that YOU do everyday.
Get this THANKS giving spirit and you will truly REST in GOD for YOU know that no matter what happen, for YOU have gave THANKS, good things or bad things will work for YOUR good.
Hope you will understand and apply it. Friends, it maybe hard at first, but pray to GOD, I am sure with a hungry heart, YOU will receive it! Get the spirit of THANKS giving! =D

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